Platte Valley Truck & Tractor Pullers Inc.
Platte Valley Tractor Pullers Inc. is an antique tractor and pickup pulling club. We currently have members from Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and Kansas. We have pulls in Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. We welcome anyone interested in antique tractors, pickups and pulling to become a member.
Tie Breaker Rules
1. Take all participants for the class that is tied and go back to all pulls from the current year where all tied participants were at the same pulls and do a head to head competition and give the participant that placed highest for that days pull 1 point. You do this for each pull were all tied participants were present. If after refiguring the points there is still a tie go to step two.
2. Take the remaining tied participants and go back to the current year’s pulls where the tied participants were at the same pulls and add there total distance for all those pulls up and come up with a combined total feet and the participant that went the most feet will get 1 point. If there is still a tie go to step 3.
3. Take all participants that are tied after step 2 are present at the last pull of the year, have them do a pull off that day and the winner will get 1 point. If all tied participants are not at the last pull of the year then you go to the next step.
4. Take the tied participants and go back to the current years last pull of the year that they were all at and at just that one pull, do a head to head with just those tied participants and who had the highest placing for that day will get 1 point.